Cobh Ramblers FC wish to announce that our club secretary Shane Kavanagh has tendered his resignation from the Board of the club. Shane’s resignation will be effective from Sunday 12th December 2021. The Board will appoint an interim secretary for the coming weeks to cover the time period up to our AGM in February.
Shane has secured a job working full time in football and unfortunately for us this means he is no longer able to continue his role with Cobh Ramblers FC. Shane’s contribution to the club over the past 10+ years is not to be underestimated. As well as fulfilling the secretary role with such great distinction over the last numbers of years, in this time he has also been a kitman, goalkeeping coach, committee member, licensing officer, to
name but a few. To say he has made a valued contribution to the club in his time is an understatement, because to put it simply, without people like ‘Kavs’ in the club, there is no Cobh Ramblers.
Chairman, Bill O’Leary spoke about the news,
“As a board, and as a club we are so grateful for everything that Shane has done for us. He has been an immense figure within the club and contributed hugely over so many years on the footballing side and as a club secretary. We are delighted that he has been appointed in this new role and know that he will excel. We now begin the no small task of replacing Shane and look forward to his continued support from the terraces. Go raibh míle maith agat!”
All at the club join in wishing Shane every success in his new role and no doubt he will continue to be a familiar face around St Colman’s Park.
We can also confirm that Breffne McKenna has also resigned from the Board of Cobh Ramblers and will not be seeking re-election at the coming AGM. We would like to convey our thanks to Breffne for her contribution to Cobh Ramblers during her short time with us and we wish her the best of luck with her future endeavours.
We would like to take this opportunity to once again encourage any member or supporter to get involved and assist us with club matters across all levels of the club. If interested in helping at Board level or Sub Group level, this would be appreciated and with our centenary year ahead of us, we have a number of big events which we will certainly require extra assistance with.
Yours in Sport,
The Board of Cobh Ramblers