Address: St Colman’s Park, Ballyvoloon, Cobh, Co. Cork, Ireland P24 R206.
Trains run every hour from Cork’s Kent Station. On exiting from Cobh Railway Station take the steps on your left hand side. Turn up towards the hill at the corner garage and:
Take the short route: (Steep, with lots of steps)
Take the next steps on your left until you reach Lake Road at the top. Keep going straight up through Glenanaar Place for about 100 yards until you reach St Colman’s Park.
Take the longer route: (less steep)
Follow Bishop’s Road approximately 300 meters until you reach the end. Turn up the hill on your immediate left again. Continue straight up the hill until you reach the club grounds.
From Cork or Waterford:
From the M25, exit for Cobh near Carrigtwohill (about 8kilometres from Cork). Pass Fota Wildlife Park on your right and proceed over Belvelly Bridge. Take a sharp left at the exit of the bridge- towards the castle.
Continue on this road for about 5 kilometers into Cobh until you reach the “top of the hill” with its shops and pubs etc. Turn right at O’Donovan’s off-license and immediately right again. Continue straight up the hill until you reach St Colman’s Park.
Grounds Map:
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